2024 Media Day

Raptors 905

2024 Media Day


Raptors 905

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Project Overview

For the Raptors 905 media day, we set up three distinct sets: a hero set, an interview set, and a super slow-motion set. The slow-motion set was designed to capture players in action—jumping, shooting, rebounding, and dribbling—creating a dynamic effect of duplicating their movements.

We had the challenge of filming 20 players, including coaches and Stripes the mascot, with just 15 minutes per player to get the shots we needed.

The result? Stunning individual player shots that truly brought their energy and skill to life.


Media Campaign

Video Production

Post Production


Directors | Jerome Riel & Kevin Lien

Producer | Chris Yue

Director of Photography | Darrell Wonge

VFX | Miguel Fernandes

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